// NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY REGENERATED, //DO NOT EDIT THIS HEADER, YOUR COMMENTS WILL BE LOST IF YOU DO // User options script // // Format: // Version [float] // Options description followed by // Options defaults // // Option description syntax: // // "cvar" { "Prompt" { type [ type info ] } { default } } // // type = // BOOL (a yes/no toggle) // STRING // NUMBER // LIST // // type info: // BOOL no type info // NUMBER min max range, use -1 -1 for no limits // STRING no type info // LIST delimited list of options value pairs // // // default depends on type // BOOL is "0" or "1" // NUMBER is "value" // STRING is "value" // LIST is "index", where index "0" is the first element of the list // Half-Life User Info Configuration Layout Script (stores last settings chosen, too) // File generated: Tue Feb 26 06:28:06 PM // // // Cvar - Setting VERSION 1.0 DESCRIPTION INFO_OPTIONS { "cl_corpsestay" { "#Cstrike_Corpse_Stay" { NUMBER 0 600 } { "600" } } "mp_decals" { "#Valve_Multiplayer_Decal_Limit" { NUMBER 0 4096 } { "300" } } "max_shells" { "#Cstrike_Max_Shells" { NUMBER 0 -1 } { "50" } } "max_smokepuffs" { "#Cstrike_Max_Smoke_Puffs" { NUMBER 0 -1 } { "20" } } "fastsprites" { "#Cstrike_Smoke_Quality" { LIST "#Cstrike_Smoke_Best" "0" "#Cstrike_Smoke_Medium" "1" "#Cstrike_Smoke_Worst" "2" } { "1" } } "cl_righthand" { "#Cstrike_Weapon_Alignment" { LIST "#Cstrike_Left_Handed" "0" "#Cstrike_Right_Handed" "1" } { "1" } } "_vgui_menus" { "#Cstrike_Buy_Menu_Type" { LIST "#Cstrike_Old_Style_Menus" "0" "#Cstrike_VGUI_Menus" "1" } { "1" } SetInfo } "_cl_autowepswitch" { "#Cstrike_Automatic_Weapon_Switch" { BOOL } { "1" } } "hud_centerid" { "#Valve_Center_Player_Names" { BOOL } { "1" } } "_ah" { "#Cstrike_AutoHelp" { BOOL } { "1" } SetInfo } "hud_takesshots" { "#Valve_Automatic_Screenshots" { BOOL } { "0" } } "cl_observercrosshair" { "#Valve_Observer_Crosshair" { BOOL } { "0" } } "cl_radartype" { "#Cstrike_RadarType" { LIST "#Cstrike_Transparent" "0" "#Cstrike_Solid" "1" } { "0" } } }